Community Network
Welcome to the Foxhole Community Network
This network is a project mainly setup to allow regiments without their own infrastructure to have easily memorable urls for their regiment. For example as a shortlink to their discord server
The Issue
Invite links are really annoying to use. A lot of regiments setup signs in their facilities, bases or at other
POIs and regiments will use a discord as their main way to contact them. Since it's not really possible to copy
links from foxhole these have to typed in manually, and it's much nicer to type in fhcn.eu/MyRegi
than discord.gg/3WSTf7W5
How does it work?
Pretty simple: Every registered regiment get's their regiment tag as the url path. So the fictonal regiment Foo-Bar Brigade get's fhcn.eu/fbb. Which can then forward to any url they want.
How can i register my regiment?
You can contact me on Discord with your regiment name and the link you'd like to forward it to. Tags are given out first-come-first-serve. If there are multiple regiments sharing the same tag the first regiment will be given the link. Keep the following in mind: Only the verified regiment leader can request a regiment link ( This will be checked against the factions high command discord )
If you ever want your regiment removed or the link changed, just contact me
Since I'm offering this service for absolutely free I'm going to lay down some terms for using it:
- I reserve the right to remove any link for any reason
- Regiments using this service agree to follow the Foxhole Terms of Services. Breaking the Foxhole ToS may result in the regiment being removed from fhcn
- It's not allowed to change the content the link redirects to without notification to me.
- The fhcn is faction and shard neutral. Any regiment from any faction that fit these terms will be allowed to get registered